Okay, I have been less than stellar with my posts. Just call me lazy. haha I did just update my book list. At least I've been reading. Doesn't that count?
I suppose I have been nesting. I've more or less cleaned out T's and L's closet. I've also sorted through lots of my own clothes. I have more that I want/should get rid of, too. I have 3 shopping bags full of clothes so far that I will never wear again. To the donation pile! Perfect timing that someone has posted on the mom board about clothing collection. Now I just have to remember to bring the clothes. They are also accepting stuffed animals among other stuff. Ooh, more things to de-clutter. I really must be nesting b/c normally you'd have to twist my arm to get rid of stuff. I'm more the "oh, I might wear it again or might need it again someday" kind of person. We really do need to downsize and de-clutter. I'd hate to have to pack all these things if we move someday.
33 weeks tomorrow! Yikes! Where has time gone?!?!? Of course, I am so ready. No, that's a lie. I am so NOT ready! For 3 kids?!?!? I have trouble with 2. How on earth am going to deal with 3?? But what I am ready for is to feel comfortable with my body again. To not have these pains. To be able to lift my boys without problems. To be able to hug them properly. To be able to walk without waddling. To be able to sleep comfortably. To sleep. Ugh. Who am I kidding? I'm not going to be able to sleep for a couple of years! lol But the rest, I want. Oh, to be able to gorge on food again. That would be nice. I love to eat. And of course, for the nausea to stop. Yes, I definitely want the nausea to stop. I think that's about it. lol
I am not ready for sleepless nights again. Who am I kidding? I have sleepless nights now. lol I think it'll be good. I just worry about going into labor. I want my dr. Not her partner. But I do not want to be induced just to have the dr I want. I guess I just have to cross my fingers that Dr W will be on call. I will talk to her about that as it gets closer. I also worry about the boys. I hope the timing will be good that there will be people around - mainly K or my mom - so that the boys will be okay and comfortable with whoever is taking care of them. I also hope that D will be nearby when the time comes. I want him to be there when I have the baby. I don't want to be alone. :( I want to share the moment with D just like I did when T and L came into the world. That's my biggest worry. I know everything else will be fine. I know we will handle being a family of 5 perfectly fine. I know the baby will fit in perfectly. I know that T and L will be great big brothers. Well, I know T will be. I expect that there will be some adjustment for L. He is not as aware and mature as T was at 2 years old. But I'm sure he will do just fine eventually. He is a sweet little boy. Most of the time. We will temporarily ignore the terrible twos.