Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Reading Challenge

I have my new reading challenge for 2010. My friend, and fellow booklover, came up with this one. I will concede and even applaud her because now I do not have to think of one myself!

Our challenge is a 52 book challenge. It will be a hodge podge of challenges:
A) 24 books -- the genre challenge (2 books from each of the categories from last year)
B) 7 books -- from the banned books lists (from here and here)
C) 7 books -from award-winning books (like the Booker Prize or the Pulitzer)
D) 7 books that start with "J" or have the name Jennifer in them (our name)
E) 7 books with numbers in their title

I was surfing the web last night and came across a few other challenges that caught my eye as well:
2010 Book Blogger Recommendation Challenge from Reading with Tequila
2010 Pub Challenge from
Countdown Challenge 2010 also from
2010 Reading Resolutions Challenge from Jenny Loves To Read
2010 DIK Book Reading Challenge from DIK (Desert Island Keepers)
2010 TBR Challenge from MizB's Reading Challenges

I know it's already the 4th of January but I am still thinking about which challenges to commit to. I like the Book Blogger Recommendation Challenge and the TBR Challenge and will most likely do those. I really like the Countdown Challenge but I believe that will prove to be too overwhelming for me. It would mean another 55 books on top of what other challenges I may decide to do. I think I will keep it in mind for next year....

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