I could be insane but I am looking at a bunch of reading challenges to perhaps participate in. And it's already the 11th, scratch that, the 13th now. This is precious reading time I have wasted. I really should have been looking into the reading challenges in the beginning of December like most other normal people would have. But at the time, I had a birthday party to deal with, Christmas presents and presents to get and wrap, Christmas cards to send out, cookies to bake and another birthday party to plan. Besides, I also hadn't even finished my 2011 reading challenges let alone start thinking of 2012!
So now that all of the above have been taken care of and I may breathe, I have been poking around and looking at challenges for this year. Oh, more of the insanity comes in since I am a bit burnt out because of these reading challenges these last few years. What is this, my 4th or 5th year of doing reading challenges? So why, oh, why am I looking at or even considering reading challenges for this year?? Especially since I also didn't FINISH last year's reading challenges!!! Probably because I'm a glutton for punishment.
It's a bit a challenge to even attempt a challenge. heehee
So these are what I have my eye on....
1 - Book Chick City is hosting the Mystery & Suspense Reading Challenge.
2 - Socrates Book Review is hosting the Cruisin' thru Cozies Reading Challenge
These two are just a given since mysteries and cozies are my books of choice. It's not really a challenge per say for me but hey, if they are what I read anyway, why not count them! I can make myself feel good and think I am completing a "challenge."
3 - MizB's Reading Challenges hosts the 2012 Original TBR Challenge.
I love the concept of this challenge because it makes me focus and read the books on my TBR list. It's actually a lot harder than I anticipated. You would think it wouldn't be hard to read books you want to read. I did this last year and the problem is getting distracted by other great books and reviews. Also, I also lost interest in some books as well, so that was a problem. I think I've learned to just get rid of books I no longer want to read - not physically but off my TBR list. Many of the books on my TBR list are sequels or continuation of a series. I think this is going to be a year of "finding out what happens next!"
4 - Teresa's Reading Corner hosts the 2012 Audio Book Challenge.
I actually did not make it with the Audio Book Challenge. I will attempt it again this year. I enjoyed it. It was a break from reading. Plus now that I'm distracted by games on the Nook, listening to a book is a great option.
5 - Reading with Tequila hosts the 2012 Book Blogger Recommendation Challenge.
I skipped this challenge last year even though I liked it the year before. It just seemed that in 2010, I read all the books that I was interested in and the 2011 list seemed to be be similar. But now there looks be to different books to be enjoyed. Or perhaps I am more open to different books than last year.
The following ones are new to me but caught my eye. I especially like the last two. Because it involves the kids and kids' books.
6 - Historical Tapestry hosts the Historical Fiction Challenge 2012.
7 - Reading with Martinis hosts Those Books I Should Have Read 2012 Reading Challenge.
8 - Tea Time with Marce hosts the I Want More Challenge 2012.
9 - Book Journey hosts Read Dystopia Challenge 2012.
10 - The Introverted Reader hosts the Dewey Decimal Challenge.
11 - Emlyn Chand hosts the 2012 "Books that made me love reading" Challenge.
12 - mommy wants to read hosts the 3660 Minutes Reading Challenge.
Oh, and there's one more that I did last year and can't seem to find this year is a Page to Screen reading challenge which is basically reading books and then watching their movies or television shows. I didn't get to complete the challenge last year, but thought I'd give it another shot. However, I can't find it. Last year's host doesn't seem to be doing it again. So I'm going to just make one up and Ty and I are planning are doing a Page to Screen reading challenge together. We may include Luc in on it, too.
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