Sunday, February 15, 2009

Queen of Babble In the Big City by Meg Cabot

Another frivolous, fluff book by Meg Cabot, that you just can't help reading. lol This is a follow up to Queen of Babble where we first meet Lizzie. Lizzie earns her name honestly.

In the Queen of Babble in the Big City, Lizzie is now living with her "prince" of a boyfriend, Luke in New York City. She also makes headway in her career of rehabilitating vintage wedding gowns while also working as a receptionist at a prestigious law firm.

These two worlds collide when Lizzie inadvertently befriends a client of the firm while trying to help her with her wedding gown. The publicity that Lizzie brings to the firm that is known for their discretion costs Lizzie her job. Lizzie also realizes that the fantasy future she has in her head will not come to fruition as Luke gets her a sewing machine, of all things, for their first Christmas together and as they spend New Year's Eve on two different continents.

Lizzie learns to stand up for herself and gets herself her dream job and learns the man she is meant to be with is not who she thinks it is supposed to be.

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