Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Re-evaluating blog

The time has come re-evaluate how I have been maintaining this blog. And quite honestly, it doesn't look so pretty from where I'm sitting. I have two weeks to figure how to do a better job in the coming year. This blog business is a lot harder than it looks. It doesn't help that I'm a reader not a writer. I've got to figure a way to make it easier on myself. I know I get lazy about searching for the cover and a summary for the books. Maybe I should stop worrying about that. It's not like I really have followers who read my blog. If it's just for me then I should make it simple for myself. Just my quick thoughts on the book. Whether I liked it or not. Rate it. The simpler it is, the more likely I'll work on it!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Obviously I suck! For the record, I am on book 60 for the year. Not that you can tell from my mere 2 reviews. But I have been good enough to be diligent on my excel spreadsheet. At least I am keeping up with that. I can't even remember the last time I checked in with blogger. So even my booklist is out of date. Oops.

Okay, of the 60 books, 4 books I have only been reading on and off. Truth be told, more off than on. 6 are children's books of The Three Investigators series that I am re-reading. I'm actually reading one right now. Quite frankly I'm not really into it. I started re-reading the series with zealous and excitedly wrote down all the books in the series with intention to get them from the library. I borrowed the first 6 and read them with enthusiasm. I took a break and recently put the second 6 on hold and have them on hand. But I don't have the desire to read them anymore. Shockingly, I think I might send them back unread. I don't want to fall back into the trap of forcing myself to read the books and then dreading reading like I did a couple of years back. *shudder* It was an awful feeling, not wanting to read.

I'm going to turn a new leaf and not push myself to read when I don't want to. I have Witch & Wizard on my Nook and am not feeling it. I know I only read one chapter but I do not care to force myself to read the book before it's due in a few days. So I won't.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Roast Mortem by Cleo Coyle

About this book - from

The pseudonymous Coyle's strong 9th coffeehouse mystery (after 2009's Holiday Grind) pays tribute to New York City firefighters. Clare Cosi, the head barista at Village Blend; Blend owner Madame Dreyfus Allegro Dubois (who's Clare's ex-mother-in-law); and Blend employee Dante Silva narrowly escape death in the bomb-activated blaze that destroys Enzo Testa's Caffe Lucia in Queens and seriously injures Enzo. Clare informs the irritating, overly flirtatious FDNY captain, Michael Quinn, a cousin of her NYPD detective boyfriend, Mike Quinn, that she suspects arson. As fire marshal Stuart Rossi swings into action, Clare is eager to help catch the firebug (aka the Coffee Shop Arsonist), but Rossi is less than enthusiastic about her getting involved. Later, the arsonist torches a Long Island coffeehouse, killing a firefighter, as a warning. While the media worry that a terrorist is loose, new, even more horrible crimes surface. Coyle (the wife-husband writing team of Alice Alfonsi and Marc Cerasini) provides an appendix of useful tips and tempting recipes.

One thing I like about this series is that it starts off with the crime. It starts off with the "villain" and their mind frame. This is a bit different and refreshing.

It's been so long since I've read this book that I can't even remember what it's about. What I can give is the impression the book has left.

I wasn't as crazy about this book as I was the others in the series. Just the introduction of possible corrupt firefighters left a bad taste in my mouth. And Matteo with whom there is always great dialogue doesn't make much of an appearance in this book.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Unwed and Unemployed by Mary Janice Davidson

About this book

Queen Elizabeth I, aka Betsy Taylor, is adjusting to life after death as a vampire, but she still needs a job. To satisfy her lust for sexy shoes, she lands one in Macy's, but one night she is attacked by zit-remedy-scented slayers who are targeting female vampires. While trying to find out who is behind the plot, she befriends an adolescent gang called the Blade Warriors and the kindly priest who leads them. Betsy's unwanted consort, sexy Eric Sinclair, king of the vampires, doesn't know how to deal with a vampire queen who sneezes at holy water and wears a cross around her neck, and a charming subplot involving a mysterious five-year-old girl in saddle shoes adds poignancy to this wickedly clever and amusing romp. Davidson's witty dialogue, fast pacing, smart plotting, laugh-out-loud humor, and sexy relationships make this a joy to read. And Betsy's second adventure, following her debut in Undead and Unwed, will have readers begging for more.

Another funny, quick read from the Queen Betsy vampire chick lit series. Betsy is a vampire queen who doesn't want to be one. In this second book in the series, Betsy lands herself a coveted - in her opinion - job in the shoe department of Macy's after showing her expertise.

Meanwhile someone or someones are killing vampires. It's up to Betsy to help figure it out. She is the Queen after all. She quickly meets the group of vigilantes who is headed by a priest and is funded by someone unknown. The vampires and the vigilantes come to an agreement and stop the killing. In fact, one of the members develops a crush on Betsy, although it could be her newfound ability to be very desirable to others.

And as if she doesn't have her hands enough going on, there is a little girl who keeps popping up in her bedroom. Betsy has to wonder why her parents are working such long hours and always leaving her at the house. It takes a while, but eventually it dawns on Betsy that the little girl is a ghost. Who happens to be the daughter of a newcomer vampire who doesn't care for Betsy. And the only way for the mother and daughter to be together again is in the afterlife.

Betsy unwillingly complies to the mother vampire's wish to be staked and dead forever.

At the end of the day, Betsy loses her lovely job at Macy's even though she is most suited for it. Her manager fires her because she cannot be counted on the work when she is supposed to. And because her manager is a sheep. Eric's sheep.

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

About this book - From

Seventeen year old Veronica "Ronnie" Miller's life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alienated from her parents, especially her father...until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie's father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church. The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story of love on many levels--first love, love between parents and children -- that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that love can break our hearts...and heal them.

I liked reading The Last Song well enough. It was a nice start to the new year. It was a very typical Nicholas Sparks book which is why I wanted to read it. It is a feel good book with a twist and usually with a "happy" ending. I have happy in quotations because happy is in the eye of the beholder. Let's just say there is usually a definitive ending to Nicholas Sparks' books. You generally know what to expect and that is why you read his books, at least that's why I do.

Throughout the book, I had it in the back of my mind that The Last Song was a Miley Cyrus vehicle. Not being a fan of Miley Cyrus, I'm sure that colored my opinion of the book. Maybe I would have liked it more? I don't know.

I had trouble understanding Ronnie's anger at everyone. I do get the impression that that is how it can be in divorced families especially when one parent disappears. And as a teenager, it can be just triple fold.

I do look forward to watching the movie, The Last Song, as a part of my Page to Screen reading challenge. I cannot wait to compare the book to the movie.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Audio Book Challenge

You won't believe this but I've signed up for ANOTHER challenge. Before anyone gets up at arms, wait until you hear about it first. It is an AUDIOBOOK challenge. That makes a difference, doesn't it?

Teresa's Reading Corner is hosting the 2011 Audio Book Challenge.

The 2011 Audio Book Challenge will run from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.

I'm going to go ahead and continue with the same levels that were previously established:

Curious: 3 Audio Books
Fascinated: 6 Audio Books
Addicted: 12 Audio Books
Obsessed: 20 Audio Books

Choose your level of participation and add your name. Over the course of the year I'm going to try to put together some fun things. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Right now, I'm going to lowball it because I don't know how much audiobook time I'm really going to get. Audiobooks might be the only reading I get this year or maybe I won't even have time at all. It remains to be seen once the baby arrives in the next week or so. So for now I will shoot for the Fascinated level. I already have 2 audiobooks borrowed from the library, so I have a headstart. I hope that these will not be the only audiobooks that I get to this year! I know listening to the audiobooks should be easy. I agree. It's the getting to the library to get more audiobooks that will be the hard part. But like I've already mentioned, at least I have 2 audiobooks from the library, so I've got a decent headstart!

1 - Something borrowed by Emily Giffin
2 - Something blue by Emily Giffin
3 - Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
4 - Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
5 - Room by Emma Donoghue
6 - Now You See Her - listening

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Reading Challenges

So continuing our annual reading challenge tradition, my reading buddy and I decided to take it easy this year. We're skipping the specifics and just going with a simple TBR challenge. We will also log the number of pages read. Simple and easy!

And of course, I can never leave well enough alone. I went looking for other reading challenges.

I've committed myself to a few other challenges:
- Book Chick City is hosting the Mystery & Suspense Challenge 2011! Mysteries are my first love, so this challenge won't be too much of a stretch.
- Cruisin' thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2011 hosted by Socrates' Book Reviews is another challenge that piqued my interest. Cozies are right up my alley! So this challenge will be a complete cheat. It's not even fair to call it a challenge since given a choice, cozies is what I would read.
- And then for fun, I decided to also join in on the Page to Screen Reading Challenge hosted by Reading Extensively. Yes, I know, normally I am not a fan of books to movies. But I'm prepared to have a less than stellar reading year with the arrival of the new baby in a couple of weeks. So I thought why not have fun with it. I could spend my many sleepless nights watching movies/shows based on books. Kill two birds with one stone!

Cruisin' thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2011

Oh boy! Just browsing what kind of reading challenges are out there and this one just popped out at me. I know I really don't need any more reading challenges, but how can I refuse a cozy!

Okay, this isn't really going to be a challenge because cozies are my go to books. Given a choice, I would probably read a cozy over any other book. So this should be an easy, fun challenge.

Socrates' Book Reviews is hosting Cruisin' through the Cozies Reading Challenge 2011. This challenge is definitely calling my name!

Here is what Socrates' Book Reviews says about the challenge:

I know I wasn't going to host another reading challenge, but I couldn't help myself :) I love cozy mysteries and I want to read more of them this year. To find out exactly what a cozy mystery is, check out This site is dedicated to cozy mysteries and does a great job of defining them as well as giving a list of cozy mysteries. This challenge is NOT restricted to what is on their list, it's just to be used as a guideline in case you need some hints on what to read.

So, here are the rules...

1. Choose the level you wish to participate:

Level 1 - Snoop - Read 1-6 books
Level 2 - Investigator - Reading 7-12 books
Level 3 - Super Sleuth - Read 13 or more books

2. The challenge runs from January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2011.

3. You don't have to choose your books in advance. If you do, you can change your list at any time during the year. Books can overlap with other challenges.

4. Books can be in any format - paper, audio, all counts!

5. You don't have to post a review, but I'm sure others would love to know about the books you are reading and may even want to add it to their reading lists.

6. Take the button above, put it on your blog and post about the challenge. Then add your name to Mr. Linky below...Please use the link of challenge post, not the link to your home page.

Have fun!

NOTE: If you don't have a blog and want to participate, that's fine. You don't have to have a blog, just post in the comments section as you finish books.

I am going to aim high and shoot for Level 3 - Super Sleuth, and read 13 or more.